Affordable accurate tax preparation

2020 Individual Tax Rates Schedule- Head of Household

If taxable income is over But less than The Tax is
$0 $14,100 10% of the taxable amount
$14,101 $53,700 $1,410.00 plus 12% of the excess over $14,100
$53,701 $85,500 $6,162.00 plus $22% of the excess over $53,700
$85,501 $163,300 $13,158.00 plus $24% of the excess over $85,500
$163,301 $207,350 $31,830.00 plus 32% of the excess over $163,300
$207,351 $518,400 $45,926.00 plus 35% of the excess over $207,350
Over $518,401 no limit $154,793.50 plus 37% of the excess over $518,400

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